Tribal Earth Wellness
Discover the power of Indigenous healing with Tribal Earth Wellness! Our indigenously owned Canadian business offers aromatherapy sprays to help bring you closer to Mother Earth. Awaken your intuition and spiritual connection with us today!
About Us
Living My Truth Through Spirit
Being Guided By Ansestors, Spirit Guides and Angels
Following their Guidance

Our Story
Tribal Earth Wellness was founded by Jolene in 2023. Jolene has Practiced Massage Therapy & Energy work for over 13 years. In the year of 2020 when the whole world slowed down, Jolene learned to quite her mind. Following a Mediation Prayer and connecting with Ansestors, Jolene felt guided to learn and play the Native Flute, so she self taught herself and is now making her own music.
The Year of 2022 was tough for Jolene and her health, her life seemed doomed and with no purpose.
Then again during a meditation prayer, Jolene received a guided message to share Mother Earth's Medicine, Now she is making smokeless smudge sprays to continue sharing the spirits of the plants where Traditional Smudging is not allowed.
"I Heard Them Speak to Me"
- Jolene Chretien

Our Tribal Roots
Sharing the spirits of plants through our products
Guided by Our Anstestors

All our products are blessed with every medicine added & Infused with Creators Healing Energy
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